Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Jason--BUt you are an old Geezer

I love you babe,
but you are getting kind of old.
and its getting me down.
because im still in my 20's and you are pushing 40

Here is some Cool pics of his coconut birthday cake
he made the candles say his age ( if you cant tell what they are,
its 36)

do you like his mustache? I love it, i think it gives him Sex appeal.
some would say Peppy-Le-Peeeew.

Easter Bunny Visits the Bagleys

Here is some late pictures
(im so NOT on the ball)
of easter baskets and all on easter.
the kids had a blast.
i thought we pretty much over did it with the baskets.
but it was fun.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Lucille , My love!!!

This baby is sweet, and precious.
and as most mothers, i am in love with her.

she is just a mild little angel
I call her Lucille, but everyone else calls her Lucy.
im not that big of a fan of the name Lucy-----but i love
i think when she gets in school i will tell her teachers that
her name is either Lucille, or Pearl.
(i call her both names sometimes)

look at what a doll , straight out of the bath tub yesterday!


Ruby had a birthday party while we were in Arizona visiting family.
i thought it would be a nice little party to have for her with her beloved cousins.
she had the time of her life.
She insisted that her birthday was a hawaii party. she wanted all things hawaii.
( i dont know what made her think of that, maybe the fact that her dad is obsessed)
so becky and i made a cake, and i decorated it. ( im not a professional cake decorater, it was the best i could
do --there is a beach, and maddie made a hula girl for it.)

she got a few presents and had a pinata ( which we forgot to do at the party--so we did it the next day with all beckys kids.)