Monday, September 15, 2008

Sick of Politics!!!

Ok, this might be a little over the top for most of you...and im warning you, if you dont want a bad opinion of might not want to continue reading . but i just cant help it. im so sick of the hypocracy, and the Jabs---from all directions , left wing----right wing. 

you need two wings to fly a plane people!!! but anyway, please know that i have not decided who im going to vote for.  i was leaning toward Obama---but now i am leaning the other way because ...well, just read my response.
and this is an email that i recieved from a friend and neighbor ( just one of the lovely aspects of living in portland-----people seem more politically charged here than most places i have been) 
read the email that i recieved and then, read my response to it. 
here is a link to the email i recieved 

my response: 
From some peoples perspcetive, if you dont believe the things as they do, you are perceived as evil. Just because Palin has strong beliefs, does not make her evil. 
The left wing believes that its acceptable to be homosexual, its acceptable to have abortions, its acceptable to tax the higher incomes and give to the lower incomes, and they have every right to those beliefs.
But, if someone believes in something contrary to what they believe, "they" are evil. 
Why is it that the right wing people cannot have similar convictions of what they believe is right? why is it that when someone has reliegious convictions, they are spat upon by the Left wing who claims to be "so accepting" of ones choices and personla experiences? i just dont understand this mentality. I was open to the idea of equality, and government control, and the idea of opening the floodgates of programs for the poor, and underpriveledged. But, i just cant stand the double standard of crap from the left wing. 
and as for Sarah Palin......
Liberals are getting quite out of hand. if there was this kind of racist, or sexist mockery to Obama---there would be a civil war proclaimed on the right wing. Its not as if she is going to be running things. How often has a vice president really had the power to change policies that they are passionate about? if that were true, wouldnt Al Gore have made incandescent bulbs, and grocery store bags illegal? Palin is simply impressive because she doesnt let anyone push her around. i think it is admirable for a woman to stand up and say ----this is what i think, deal with it. Barack Obama cannot even say that!!! he is always stepping on Eggshells to say the "right" thing. Besides that, He voted that if a baby is accidentally not aborted, and still born, that it could be killed. Who is this guy? does anyone really know? I think he is the ULTIMATE pleaser. and that is NOT an admirable quality. he comes off as a doormat.


Haydee said...

I COMPLETELY AGREE! I was leaning towards Obama myself and I Feel exactly the same now.

Hillarys little Paynes said...

Me too me too! I kinda was likin obama for a bit there, and i still think hes a nice guy, but i am so sick of the hypocrisy from liberals. And the more i learn about mcain , the more i think hes my kinda guy. even if he is old.haha

Lorin and Liza said...

Congratulations on being involved and reading and thinking. Personally, my hat is off to Sarah, she is a refreshing change from the groomed politian.

The Allred Family said...

I loved reading that blog. I have wanted to post apolicital post myself...but I just cannot express myself that way I want. I am soooo poassionate about it that i get all flabergasted. So thanks for posting that. I agree with that fact it's a shame that we call just can't agree to disagree adn still respect each other. You are unique that you feel that way.....people love to hate others who don't think like them. I don't hate Obama, but i strongly disagree with many things he does/says, his associations, and some things that he has voted for/against (esp. this babies surviving abortion bill). I am surprised that you were at one point going to vote for him. I just see him as a mouth doing a LOT of lip service. Saying that we want to hear and not really being able to back himself up or really state his platform. He's running on's like voting for a rcckstar/ celebrity figure. Anywho.......thanks for the post. Oh, and I didn't pick Alaska as our vacation spot. My in-laws were going there for their 5 yr anniversary on a cruise adn they invited all their children to some up a few days before and tour around. We were there for about three days total.

Rebecca McAllister said...

I am with you totally. I have been AMAZED/FLABERGASTED at some the blatently SEXIST comments or photoshopped images that the Left has made towards Sarah Palin. I am SO tired of hearing her refered to as a "former beauty queen" every time a liberal is about to discount her level of experience. I was totall open to either canidate and consider myself to be a very, very moderate conservative...but people like Linsey Lohan and Pamela Anderson speeking out against Palin have sealed the deal for me. If they are against her, I am definatly NOT with them...

Samantha said...

I cannot believe the garbage that Eve Ensler or whoever she is wrote about Sarah Palin. Did you notice the number of times she wrote something like, "It appears that Sarah..." or "She has been known to..." Which basically tells me all the crazy feminist wrote was based on rumors and speculative politics rather than fact. What a joke. Thanks for your post, I agree with you. And I also hate how the media portrays conservatives as evil and liberals as saints. Everything the media puts out is one sided, and it drives me nuts too!!

happy mae said...
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happy mae said...

I understand that this is a frustrating time of year. Every time you turn on the TV/Radio it seems like you are being bombarded with political crossfire. Every major network has chosen their candidate, and aside from this the internet is wrought with opinion pieces that lack credibility. The other day my mother-in-law sent me an email full of baseless, racist attacks on Obama.
It's disturbing to read these unfounded and ignorant articles that permeate the web from both sides.
Every year candidates vow to run a "clean campaign" and stick to the issues, I have yet to see this happen. We are left to find the truth for ourselves and hope that we make the right choice.

In Liberals We Trust ;)

The first debate is September 26th.

Lucile Jewkes said...

Hey, I didn't know you were so political minded. I'm enjoying politics more, but I'm just scared this year about what may come. The pictures are cute. I'm happy you are calling your baby Lucy Belle.
You are a good youn mother. I'm proud of you.

kateworthi said...

Wow Jill! You got a comment from Grandma! That means you are special! :) Anyway, It is true what Sarah said, I hate that people have been sending these emails around that Obama is a Muslim terrorist and has no morals... Oh Please! It's just so hard to believe anything you hear from the other side. And I certainly don't believe that crap! But conversely, it's absolutely irritating what the media has done with Palin. Obama's a Saint, and Palin? A woman who has some sordid past who's surely not qualified for VP... it's all so ridiculous at this point. I don't even want to turn on my tv because I am SOOOO freakin' sick of political commercials. We have UGLY senate races here in MN too - AL Fraken vs. Coleman. Franken is a jack ass, but comes off as an amazing stand-up fellow. The media has really done a number on the American people - so who the crap are we supposed to vote for when none of our information is correct? Whatever. I Love what you said about people touting tolerance, but yet, can't even slightly respect a conservative.... That's always bothered me about Liberals.
And one more thing, it is so irritating that Obama is the most popular guy at the party, and people hated Bush so bad, that they're willing to vote for anything as long as it's his opposite. If people even had a clue on the issues - instead of being hung up on the fact that he's a NICE GUY, (he IS incredibly charasmatic,) they would realize that Obama is SO freakin' liberal, and he's practically a socialist. Do they REALLY want that????? UGGGGGH!!!! I'm sick of it too.... Peace, I'm out!

Melissa said...

Well said Jill.

Sidney said...

It's hard not to just be completely cynical about all and everyone involved in politics. I have come to loathe the word and what it has come to represent. I am not excited about any of the choices. I feel Pallin was just a pawn in a big publicity grabbing opportunity and it worked. However refreshing she may be she is not prepared to be President anymore than Obama is. They both lack experience. But neither am I excited about John McCain. So I am voting for ideology in this years election. I am voting pro life, pro family and less government in general and that still is more line with the republican party.For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would want to be in change of the mess we are in, I guess we should be some what grateful that some one still wants the job.

Amanda said...

I with you girl! I really enjoy politics but I wish that everybody could just get along! I think it is scary how divided the country is. But I think that Obama is even scarier - he is so liberal and the people that are mostly funding his campaign and who are is "friends" are so liberal/ extremist. Our kids are going to live in a totally different world if we allow our country to throw out all the values that our forefathers worked so hard to establish.

Natalie Hall said...

I am so with ya! Patrick is so into it, and he makes me want to run away from it all... And he does not have the same president in mind as most mormons do so it is pretty funny to see peoples reaction when they hear he is voting for Obama, it's like they have seen a ghost and he is not voting the way of the church. Anywho, I just do not like confrontaion of any sort.

Patti said...

P.S. And Palin didn't even win so why doesn't the media just leave her alone already? Seriously, others have done much worse. Why her? Why now?