We Just got back late last night from our trip. So these are the exclusive photos. please ignore my snickery face in most of them. as i am not photogenic. but it was an AMAZING trip. the trip of a lifetime. I celebrated my birthday in Venice. and it was the best birthday ever.
FOr those who dont know, Jason and i took a mediterranean cruise to Italy and greece for my 30th birthday ( and our 10th anniversary celebration). we have never travelled without kids since we had them. it was quite a treat. thanks Errol and Elaine for making this possible!!
this is the Parthenon.
City of Athens in the background of the site of the Acropolis
More Parthenon---- its just too awesome!!
This is the NIKE temple at the Acropolis. the Ladies are so beautiful that hold it up
This is Mykonos---just breathtaking
Jason just stripped down and had to go for a dip. he couldnt help himself the water was just too beautiful and warm :)
Its very humble, but this is where the light the torch for every olympics. this was taken in ancient olympia.
This was a beach in Katakolon ( where olympia is) . i must admit. it was a great experience. Jason was frolicking in the ocean , and i forgot my bathing suit---i had to sit around and wait for him to get his ocean time in. ahhhh--some of the ladies were topless!!
We ended our trip in venice. that place is so freakin cool!! i reccommend everyone go to venice before they die. or if you take any trips to italy----be sure to go there. they say its sinking. so ya better hurry!!
eating gelato
view of the grand canal
ALAS, one of my big regrets is not taking a gondola ride.
next time ill bring more money :)