Monday, April 28, 2008

ANGEL intervention

I have to post this because i DO beleive that miracles happen every day , and this was just a little one that i witnessed.
i was driving home from the gym. and I was messing around with my phone right before i left the parking garage.
so i put my phone in my lap, hoping the person i just texted would call me.
as i was driving and thinking about what i wanted to happen that day----awaiting the events of the day to unfold----i had a
loud voice that was panicked tell me to call my friend Kim. Ruby and her daughter had a playdate scheduled for the day.
I dont know why i felt so compelled to call, but it felt almost as if someone was shaking my shoulders demanding that i call her.
so I thought----yes, i may as well call her while i drive.
as i picked up my phone, i was trying to be careful, and presently driving--- i used the voice activation on my phone---so i didnt have to dial. but i still had to hold the phone in one hand and drive with the other. which made me drive kinda slow.
as i hung up the phone because my friend was not answering, i looked ahead, and there was a driver that ran a red light at the intersection i was about to go through.
then, the next driver behind the red light runner plunged into the intersection without looking if the light was really green. I was the one who had the green light. i could see that that driver was very suprised that he was running a red light, he was swearing and had his hands on his face----if i had been in the intersection two seconds earlier, i would have gotten hit by at least if not one, but two cars.
thanks to whatever voice was in my head, my life, and my car were spared.
so as i sat on my couch that afternoon eating lunch and relaxing, i thought---i could be in the hospital right now-or worse, the O.R. if i had been hit. who would be taking care of my kids? im SOOOO glad that i was spared!! it was one of the "tender mercies of the lord" that i was able to call a friend on my cell phone and slow down for a minute. I think it was an angel or something.
thank you ANGEL!!!
( this post does not condone cell phone use while driving!!!)


Sara and Spencer said...

Well I would have stayed and watched them of course! Thats not the point though obviously. I am glad that you are okay!

Becky said...

Wow, Jill! So glad you slowed down and avoided catastrophe. So glad its YOU who gets to take care of those cute little ones of yours. Thanks for sharing this with us :)

Rebecca McAllister said...

I'm so glad you are ok. Sometimes I wonder how often those little miricles happen and we don't even notice them...

kateworthi said...

I'm so glad that was you that was so compelled to listen. I feel like I would have totally ignored the thought - seems like me to used rationale to figure out why I should call... I'm kind of horrible with recognizing the Spirit and stuff, I think. It's something I'm still learning. Because I'm so inept, I feel like the Lord totally has to twist my arm! But that is just awesome that you didn't die today! I'd miss you! :) Good job listening.

Melissa said...

I like that you recognized what a blessing of protection that was. I think we are guided, sometimes unaware, through life. I have had a few experiences like that. Nothing is sweeter than recognizing the tender mercies sent our way. Glad your still with us!

The Allred Family said...

You are right, miracles do happen. So grateful for the Spirit

Sidney said...

So glad you guys are safe. I would have loved though to hear you explaining to the Officer (if you'd gotten pulled over for talking on your phone)I think we've got more good movie script ideas here Jason....