Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa Clause

RUby asked me the SCAAAARY question---well, it wasnt really a question. but, more of a discussion about weather or not santa is real.

she just dropped the bomb on me while i was taking her to school. I could tell that she figured it out. she is smart enough at 7 1/2 years to know if someone is trying to pull a fast one on her.
and it made me so sad. someones stupid kid told her that santa wasnt real at school.
im really mad at that kid---but i guess it was inevitable.
here is how it all started : " mom, this boy in my class said that santa is just parents that give you toys.----and I didnt know what to say" and then i said---" well, some people have different beliefs---some people believe that Jesus is not the savior, but we believe that Jesus is the savior of the world" ( and i feel so guilty for saying that now---its like----well, you believe in Jesus dont you? SO if jesus is real, so is santa) and now in hindsight ---i think that may have been a bad comparison. so, i just started talking about how magical santa is. and wanted to divert the conversation but-----AHHHHHH, what do you say?
i think she is too young to know about everything. its still so magical for her. but i know stupid kids at school are going to say stuff to her. what do i do???


The Allred Family said...

uhhh. i hate the realities that kids learn from the lovely school system. My little innocent Ella has come home with a few pearls herself.

Nancy said...

This has happened to us too, and I was really annoyed because it was a cousin that told Dallas that. Anyway I didn't really answer either I just told him that if he didn't believe in Santa that he wouldn't get any presents (that sounds mean but I said it in a playful sort of way) and kind of left it at that. I think he questions it all, but at least the magic isn't entirely gone!

Candice said...

My daughter still will not get near Santa, so we are a little ways off from this question. Let me know if you gather some great wisdom in the next 5 years on the Santa dilemma.

Nicole said...

Alexander has never believed in Santa and we haven't pushed it. We have, however, told him not to say anything to the other kids at school because we don't want him to shatter other kids' beliefs and traditions.

sunderlage family said...

It kills me how you compare Santa to believing in Jesus. So Funny.

Emilee said...

I was the little kid who was too logical to believe in Santa, but I had a sister on the opposite extreme and we eventually told her that Santa wasn't real because she was being made fun of for still believing. Kids can't believe in Santa forever--maybe when she's done believing, you can have Ruby help you in the fun of being Santa for her younger siblings.

Connie said...

Talk to Andrea. Santa doesn't bring presents to their house - all presents are from mom and dad. But the kids still see Santa. Of course, I being the bad grandma, have tolds the kids that when they come to my house Santa will come visit them. Maybe that is why they don't come to Utah for Christmas :)
It is a hard thing to explain to kids. I always told my kids (even at their ages today) that if they don't believe, they don't get anything. Santa is a magical thing that we all need in our lives, especially with the world as bad as it is today. Good Luck!

Elizabeth said...

Natalie told me the exact same thing a few weeks ago. It took me off guard so i just said "Oh that is too bad, I don't know who would bring you presents then." She didn't ask me anything after that so I am not sure where we stand.

Anonymous said...

I had the same thing happen with Brode. I guess they are just getting to that age where they begin to question things. I told him that "I don't know about other kids but Santa definately visits our house because I don't know how else all that cool stuff got here." No more questions after that.