Poor baby Lucy.............I love my kids, and i love having three, but the more kids you have , the more opportunities for sickness your family gets!! we have all been sick for .....hmmm lets see.....ever since katie left....
three weeks?!!! first strep, then the random colds, then allergies to amoxicillin, then double ear infections, in both children, and now ----some random infection with fever......
can i just say...im sick of going to the pediatrician and having NO real solutions. how many anti-biotics am i going to have to give these kids? im done.
i dont really think that western medicine is the answer anymore. --Dont get me wrong, i am grateful for the anti-biotics , when truly neccesary---but come on....... they just want you to come into the doctors office, get an anti-biotic, ( which wipes out the other effective parts of your immune system) then, because you are at an office with a bunch of sickies, you get something else, and your body cant fight it because it has no more immunity!!!
At least Ezra doesnt look like a Leper anymore. he had a really really really bad rash, with hives and it covered his whole body. we finally gave him Zyrtec ( instead of benadryl) and this is how he looks now. less freaky, but still a sickie.
I totally agree. The only thing I take my kids to the dr for besides and emergency is an ear infection. I don't think they need antibiotics for anything else. Let them fight it off on their own!
I KNOW! Having sick kids is no fun at all. I am sorry you guys have had way more than your share of it.
Ezra's cake is so cute! Good job!
I got the Brain Quest things at Costco. I got some for Natalie and Ella and they both really like them.
I would be happy to trade my brown hair for your blond even if it ment losing my doctor status. :)
I know what you mean about the antibiotics. You start to wonder if you are killing your immune system.
I'm sorry your little ones have been sick. If it's any consolation they are still totally adorable. I alway give Addie Mae some culturelle to help maintian the good bacteria.
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